Comprehensive Pet Wellness Exams

Pet Wellness Exams With The Staff of San Pablo Animal Hospital

At San Pablo Animal Hospital, we believe the time and effort invested in a wellness program has rewards for both pets and owners. We make every effort to prevent illness whenever possible. Why are wellness plans important? They can help us detect irregularities before they become a major health issue.

Each wellness program at San Pablo Animal Hospital is designed specifically for your pet and includes:

We suggest an annual exam for all pets. When you come for your annual visit, we recommend that you bring a stool sample in a clean container (a plastic baggy works great) so that we can test it for internal parasites. However, should you notice any of the following changes in your pet’s behavior, please call us to schedule an appointment.

At San Pablo Animal Hospital, we believe your pet will live a much longer and happier life if you start a wellness program when you first get your pet and continue with it into his or her senior years.